
Here is a few written words about me from the past years. I think, they are absolutely needless. I agreed to publish them to show this warning only.
Under the title of the text (usually) there is some essential sentences. Click the title to the full text.
About my drawings
Drawing is not representation but the joint work of the brain and the hands.
I think art starts with the facility of the hands.
Ágnes Hincz, 1998
"I cannot make a professional curriculum vitae as an artist as art is not my profession."
Pictures without text
"I am not interested in its [drawing's] ontological references.
The drawings are not accompanied with texts.
I am mainly interested in the form of the drawings.
(...) art theory always has a narrative role.
They are just pictures without text. "
Beeldende Kunsten, 2001
Ágnes Hincz's Drawings
"My first impression in connection with the drawings was "unexpected".
They are both calculated and free.
They are two, or rather, one dimensional from a theoretical point of view "
Balázs Faa , 2002
There is no secret
"drawing requires the mind to participate,(...) the cold, rational mind
There is no secret
If somebody is struggling with pictures he cannot complete what s/he wants.
Hungarian contemporary art is like a televison that nobody watches.
I cannot adjust myself to others... "
Nõk Lapja (Women' Paper), 1999